Thanks for your visit at my blog Uroš Černigoj (I am very curious how your name is pronounced).
I think I must have found your blog either through some other blogs which linked to your blog or through the comments you have left at others' blogs.
Language is not a barrier Uroš , a picture speaks a thousand words and with so many really nice photos of yours in your blog, I have lost count of how many words your blog has expressed :)
Blog sem odprl z namenom, da predstavim svoje fotografske izdelke in mogoče se bo na njemu kdaj znašla tudi kakšna misel.
Čeravno sem si na začetku obljubil, da blog ne bo sredstvo za dodatno preživljanje prostega časa za računalnikom, moram priznati, da mi je že sama končna oblika in nekaj objav vzela veliko časa. Ampak nič za to.
Želim vam prijetno branje oz. ogledovanje in če vam bo kakšna fotografija posebej všeč, mi lahko pišete na:
!!!!! Opozorilo !!!!!!
Vse fotografije in pisni material so last avtorja. Vsaka uporaba fotografij ali besedil samo z dovoljenjem avtorja!
!!!!! Disclaimer !!!!!
All photos and writings are property of author. Any usage of photos or writings must be approved by the author!
5 komentarjev:
Všečni makri. Precej grafične fotke.
Fantastic macro :)
Thanks for your visit at my blog Uroš Černigoj (I am very curious how your name is pronounced).
I think I must have found your blog either through some other blogs which linked to your blog or through the comments you have left at others' blogs.
Language is not a barrier Uroš , a picture speaks a thousand words and with so many really nice photos of yours in your blog, I have lost count of how many words your blog has expressed :)
Greetings from the Island of Borneo.
Čudovito so ti uspele te regratove lučke.
čeprav že 1 leto staro, je še vedno super - bravo.
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